I have switched classrooms, which also means different technology and different classes. I am currently teaching Geometry and two Programming courses, Java and HTML. Along side teaching, I am working diligently on marketing my WileD Math app and designing the High School Version of WileD Math.
Throughout the next set of times, I hope to share some things I have learned about my marketing experiences, what worked, what did work, as well as what I am experiencing in the classroom.
The biggest change in my classroom besides locations is that I no longer have a smartboard to utilize...Instead I have an Eno Board.
Now this board may look similar to a Smart Board, but the operating system is completely different. This board is not activated by anything touching the board. The Pros: No one can mess with your computer from the screen, no accidental bumping, and much harder to bring something up that you shouldn't, such as e-mails. The Cons: You are required to use a special Bluetooth device that syncs with your computer and calibrates to the board (the projector). If this is misplaced, you are out of luck. This can be a pro, because it limits who can use it, but if you like to move around a lot and misplace this marker, then you can't do anything with the board!
The problem with required syncing is that you can have a lot of battery issues, so a back-up battery is a must. You also have delay times that vary, sometimes it writes right away, other times it takes a little for things to show up.
The Best: The neatest thing about this board is that the board is just a whiteboard, nothing fancy to it. The thing that makes this different from a smartboard (and I mean really different) is the fact that you have this strip that your marker can touch that changes the color, the width, you can scroll onto blank pages (up to 99, plus your computer screen). So the features are rather limited, but with each update, more things are being presented, plus you can always get better strips that feature more things.
The Worst: Some teachers shared that if their board is closer to another teachers computer in another room, that the syncing can get messed up and the boards react to each teacher's marker in the other room instead. So if you have one, you need to ensure your computer is closer to the board or at least no other teachers are closer than yours.
Overall, if you can get this up and working it is a wonderful addition to the classroom, as long as you can have a good system of placing the bluetooth marker down. Do I miss my smartboard? Yes. Will I get better and more used to the Eno? Yes. Would I choose one over the other? Not really, I enjoy adapting to new technologies.
Stay Effective!
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