Sunday, May 12, 2013

Daily Presentations

As a teacher, I find myself presenting material multiple ways. In algebra, there are lots of different equations and although they use the same math properties, students need to many potential ways the property is used.

Well, this idea comes across in my teaching as well, I often find myself scaffolding and providing the same material multiple times throughout the year, sometimes I go over the material through notes, clickers, power point games, skits, songs, presentations. One great secret to share with you is that if you are in some sort of presenter (ex: power point), sometimes you have some distracting screens that require asking the students to look at you, not the screen, to easy solutions is to hit the B or W key.

By hitting the B, you will black out the screen.
By hitting W, you will white out the screen.

This would then force the students to not stare at the blank screen, but at you.

Stay Effective!

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