Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Using Clickers to Assess Performance

I'm not sure about everyone's school, but it seems to me that a lot of schools are pushing for data. Data to show you are an effective teacher, that your students are growing a minimum years growth. How in the world are you suppose to do that?

The receiver in my room
Well...clickers can be part of the solution. I use my clickers for a lot of different activities, but one thing use them for is to show student growth. Before every chapter I give a 9-12 question pre-test with multiple choice answers. After the chapter, I give the students the same test (answers are moved around), but as a post-test. I can then show growth through percent of change or the student growth index. To see how to calculate these things, please view the bottom of this post.

Types of clickers used in the classroom
By asking the same questions, I can record loads of data, such as overall scores, where do my special ed, English language learners compare, as well as any other group breakdown that I want to take the time to do. Not only do I see the class growth as a whole as we go along the chapter, but I also see individual data after the clicker test. My students take the post-test with clickers a day before the chapter test. Afterwards, my students have an assignment to work on, such as a study guide, in which during this time, I call students up one at a time, go through their results and discuss what they should do this evening to prepare for the test. This provides an amazing differentiation opportunity, as well as gives me this really neat one on one time with my students.

By all means, I am not a data hog, I believe there is a thing as to much data, but gathering data from time to time that can truly improve instruction is key and clickers provide a fun way for the students and an easy way for the teacher to get that key data required.

The bottom of this post are the equations to calculate various types of growth.

Percent of Change - Calculates the percent of growth from pre to post
(Post Score - Pre Score)/Pre Score...then multiply by 100 to get the percent.

Student Growth Index - Calculates the students potential growth, instead of actual growth
preGrowth = Total Points on Test - Pre Score
postGrowth = Total Points on Test - Post Score

(Post Growth - PreGrowth)/Pre Growth...then multiply by 100 to get the percent.

Stay Effective!

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