Wednesday, April 24, 2013

App Review - DailyArt

Daily Art is a wonderful art app that provides the user with one classic art each day. This is a wonderful way to introduce students to art besides their own. Use this as a way to teach new styles, open up discussions about what the painting does for the people who look at it. Use it as a warm-up, have your iPad sitting out with the app open (use guided access, see guided access post if curious about protecting your iPad). The warm-up could be the classical art makes me feel, I believe this art was made to..., The use of the color in this artwork..., I wonder why the artist decided to... There are tons of different ways you can get students thinking with a little bit of exposure to different paintings and artwork and this app does the hard part for you, finding artwork to share each day.\

The app also gives you background behind the artwork as well as any information about the artist who made the artwork. After exposing this information, you could then hold another discussion about why the painting was made again after know some of the artist's background.

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